Ryan has always wanted to be a father. During a parent teacher conference in 4th grade, while other boys told the class they wanted to be astronauts, firemen and carpenters, Ryan said he wanted to be a dad! He has a lifelong passion to create a family.
Ryan works at Google where he manages architects and designers to create inspiring places to work. Ryan has a degree in Urban Planning and glows with happiness when he is wandering around his favorite place in the world- New York City. I can imagine Ryan smiling with our baby on the carousel in Central Park when we visit.
Ryan is a great listener and people feel his empathy and warm heart when they meet him. I say that Ryan will be the “safety dad” in our family because he always watches out for the well being of others. Ryan will make sure that our child is protected. In fact, he is already baby-proofing our home and is Child CPR Certified! More importantly, Ryan is a nurturer who will hold and calm our baby if it is crying. I can imagine Ryan singing to our child every night since that is one of his favorite activities.
Ryan’s company will let him take a full 3 months off of work to be with our baby when we bring it home from the hospital. He plans to be an at-home dad and work part time to make sure that our child is safe and nurtured. I am so excited to raise our child with him!