Join Us for Upcoming Adoption Conference

Adoption: A Lifelong Journey

Saturday, March 9, 2013 from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm

Join us on March 9, 2013

By Randie Bencanann, LCSW

While there are many birth and adoptive families in Northern California, there are definitely not enough opportunities for education. That’s why we are so pleased to offer an adoption conference to the community of adoptive families, adoptees, and birthparents. This will be our third major event in the past three years, and every year it gets bigger and better in both depth and scope. Along with our co-sponsors On Your Feet Foundation of Northern California, and Pact, An Adoption Alliance we welcomed additional sponsors this year – Adopt and Our Family Coalition. We have included workshops for the LBGT community and families of color and more opportunities for birth and adoptive families to learn from each other.

Two renowned speakers will be joining us. Joyce Maguire Pavao, EdD,  an adult adoptee, and Brenda Romanchik, MSW, a birthparent, have personally and professionally devoted their lives to making sure that adoptive families and birthparents—and especially the children—get the support they need throughout the adoption process and over their lifetime.

This year, there is a very strong emphasis on looking at adoption issues over the long run. Both speakers will address these issues. They will also be covered in afternoon workshops such as Parenting of Adopted Tweens and Teens, Talking with 0-5-Year-Olds about Adoption, and Reunion: Opening Closed Adoptions – Issues for Triad Members.

Download a PDF of the full list of Afternoon Sessions and Affinity Lunch Groups.

And for the first time, there will be a workshop on Technology and Adoption – how to develop and maintain relationships through social networking and the challenges of e-mail, texting, and social media like Facebook and Twitter. We’ll also look at that issue in light of searching and reunions.

Also, for the first time, we have initiated a lunchtime affinity group for “Men Only” (adoptive dads and birthfathers).

We are hoping that many of you will come. We think it will be an enriching environment for learning, sharing, and networking – and having a great lunch. So don’t miss it.

Pact, An Adoption Alliance is taking online registrations now. Sign up by February 15, 2013 to take advantage of the early bird price.

Whether you are a birth parent, a pre- or post-adoptive parent, or a professional who works with adoptive triad members, we are looking forward to seeing you in March!